by Talita Sheedy | May 28, 2018 | 2016, Birthplan, Holistic Pregnancy, Natural health, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Wellness
Weekly Baby News Baby Size: approx. 24cm head to toe, can weigh half a kg. The next 2 weeks the nervous system completely connects due to the baby requiring more B vitamins to complete this process, it is essential to support yourself emotionally while this is...
by Talita Sheedy | May 28, 2018 | 2016, Birthplan, Holistic Pregnancy, Natural health, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Wellness
Weekly Baby News Baby Size: 25cm Head to Toe The baby’s skin is covered in vernix, which is a wax or cheese-like substance made up of sebum, skins cells, lanugo hair that has shed from the baby and lipids. Its function is to assist insulation for the baby while in the...
by Talita Sheedy | May 25, 2018 | 2016, Birthplan, Holistic Pregnancy
Weekly Baby News Baby Size: 41.1cm – 1502grams (1.5kg) Filling out of the body, arms and legs is on the hugely on the agenda and your bub is becoming proportional to the head size. Bub can grow another 1kg before birth, which compared to earlier months is still a lot...
by Talita Sheedy | May 25, 2018 | 2016, Birthplan, Holistic Pregnancy, Nutrition
Weekly Baby News Baby Size: 45cm, 2146 gm (2.1kg) Bub is busy taking up any room available in your abdomen, making you uncomfortable or constantly having to move your body to make room for where he/she wants to put a limb or foot. Your bub is very busy practising...
by Talita Sheedy | May 25, 2018 | 2016, Birthplan, Holistic Pregnancy, Wellness
Weekly Baby News Baby Size: 46.2cm head to toe, 2383 grams (2.3kg) Fun fruit reference: is the size of a coconut. Baby’s growth is surging on and so too are the organ’s functioning and fine-tuning. The liver is starting to utilise the different detoxification phases...
by Talita Sheedy | May 25, 2018 | 2016, Birthplan, Holistic Pregnancy, Wellness
Weekly Baby News Baby Size: 47.4cm head to toe, 2622gm (2.6kg) approx. Fun fruit reference is the size of a honeydew melon Bub can start to migrate further south into you pelvis and can provide some discomfort and strange feelings such as shocks, especially if you sit...