Weekly Baby News
Foetus: 4.3cm – size of a plum
Almost all the organs are developed and are starting to function. Now the head is about half the size of the whole foetus. Total weight is approximately 10gms. Excitingly smell and hearing develops with the finishing touches of the hearing structures, thus it is time to start playing music for bub. Mums have found that playing the same artist, album or genre during your pregnancy has also benefited post-natal to calm the baby or help sleep, as the music reminds them of the comfort of the womb. So pick a artist you love and feel bub will also. I have been listening Sacred Earth they are a local couple, Prem and Jethro, from Eumundi QLD, and I love their new album kuTumba. Check it outwww.sacredearthmusic.com the stunning sounds are calming and I have been listening to it through meditation, yoga or drifting off to sleep.
Naturopath Advice
Nourishing the body and mind are extremely important through pregnancy, don’t forget to take care of YOU. Listen to what your body needs for nourishment and deliver, whether it be pampering, quality time, certain foods or time with a practitioner to assist the journey. I have made it a regular habit to check in with my network of practitioners and mentors, including beauty therapist, psychotherapist, kinesiologist, body consciousness therapist, acupuncturist and esoteric acupuncturist. From having a team of amazing people, helps keep me on track mentally and physically, which I find necessary when living a busy life, plus working in mental health it is vital to have a good support team. Acupuncture I am getting every 2 weeks (monthly by both acupuncturists) which is perfect for working on both the physical and emotional. For more info on Esoteric Acupuncture check out the link www.trentbanyanacupuncture.com.au/esoteric-acupuncture/
Unsure how acupuncture can benefit your pregnancy? Here is a list that only touches on the benefits:
Decrease the chance of miscarriage
Improve sleep
Reduce morning sickness, nausea, vomiting
Reduce constipation or diarrhoea
Increases blood flow to the uterus to increase nutrients to the baby
Assist mum to be more comfortable, for example reduce oedema (fluid retention) and reduce back pain
Reduce stimulation of nervous system to keep mum and bub calm & relaxed
Increases the chance of delivering the baby on time without medications, induced labour or other medical interventions
Baby arrives with less complications and helps mum recover quicker from labouring
Nourish the nervous system, remove stress and feel relaxed
Assist personal spiritual growth through your pregnancy
Expand consciousness and connection
Then there is a whole list of more benefits Post-Labour that I will discuss when we get to it.
Documentary Link
Educate and empower yourself by broadening your knowledge of birth. This documentary blew my mind and was very informative to support the wishes I already had. The doco looks at the microbiome and bacteria that inhabit the body, that is found to be essential for human health. I recommend you sign up for Food Matters TV as you will have unlimited access to 100’s of documentaries, yoga classes, recipes it is endless.
My Journey
The size of a plum this week, finally getting some size happening. This week it certainly started to feel more real, from speaking about pregnancy, children and birth to some close friends. Also the choices I make on a daily bases no longer is just about me anymore. I’ve had to call upon my yoga teachings of one of the Niyamas this week, TAPAS (self-discipline). As mentioned in previous weeks,food has been a struggle for me so far through the pregnancy, from having no appetite to being completely off meat, plus having my food weakness to donuts amplified. While I am getting better with appetite and meat I still don’t have my healthy food head in the right place. Normally for me it is easy to whip up a delicious salad and throw some foods together and create a nutrient dense meal, but I have seemed to have lost this skill, due to minimal appetite. However this week was time to pull my finger out, call in some Tapas (Self-discipline) and create the change that would better serve Button and me (Button is what we have started calling the baby). I’m usually a wing-it and anti-recipe chef, however due to my goal this week I’ve decided to do some meal planning to get me back into it. It seemed to work, mostly adding in my smoothies which I can pack full of goodness and nutrients. Snacking on fruits and nuts with having on hand at all times, ensuring I eat between clients and for dinners making sure there is ample vegetables.
Good motivation for this was also my skin as it has still been quite yucky however has shown slight improvement, so combining with my self-discipline I had quite a successful week of opting for improved choice for Button and I.
This week I couldn’t hold out any longer and went and got a Facial + Massage from a beautiful soul, Geraldine, who is also one of my yoga mentors (woman with many skills). It was HEAVEN. It was so nice to experience touch that didn’t annoy me (my poor husband) and to let the tension go from my body knowing I’m giving to myself – just what I needed. Now I know you will read that massages are a ‘No No’ in the first trimester however I feel trusting in my body is more important than what a book has said, plus my body and mind was very thankful for the pamper time.
This week my sleep had not improved! I actually woke every morning at either 3:45am or 4:00am. After a few early mornings of tossing about and getting annoyed at myself, then rising from bed angry, I decided to YEILD and ACCEPT that if that’s when my body wanted to wake it was ok. So for the following mornings when I woke I would just place one hand on my belly and one hand on my heart, to use the time to connect with my growing baby. On the last day of this week when I woke at 4am and placed my hand on my belly, I felt a change! I felt a little rise in my belly… it finally has a little pop to it. Only the size to fill my cupped palm, but WOW it really is growing in there and is getting REAL, I’m growing a baby inside – how bizarre!
Yours in Health
Talita x
Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc. Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc.
Breastfeeding Journey – Jet + Hux + Me 1st August 2016 was day 1 of a 3 ½ year journey. Like all relationships it had its ups and downs, blissful moments, painful moments. Those moments when your begging for it all to be over, and then the times when you don’t...
Beeswax Wraps
Using beeswax wraps are not only sustainable and assists the wore on plastics but also keep food a lot fresher. They are easy to use with multiple sizes that you can use.
Guest Blog written for Ana Davis at Bliss Baby Yoga. Click the link below to be taken to Bliss Baby Website or read on below. http://www.anadavis.com/ana-davis-blog/entry/8-wellness-tips-for-a-holistic-pregnancy This month Bliss Baby Yoga Prenatal and Postnatal...