by Talita Sheedy | May 29, 2018 | 2016, Holistic Pregnancy, Natural health, Pregnancy, Wellness
Weekly Baby News Embryo: 1.3cm – buba has doubled in size this week, about the size of a blueberry Buds are now forming into little arms and legs, even fingers and toes are growing. The eyes and other facial features, like holes for the nose, are developing also… here...
by Talita Sheedy | May 29, 2018 | 2016, Holistic Pregnancy, Natural health, Pregnancy, Wellness
Weekly Baby News Embryo: 1.5cm – size of a kidney bean Webbed toes and fingers are poking out and the baby’s tail is disappearing fast, to loose its alien-look and embrace human-like instead. Eyelids are formed this week although don’t open until 24 weeks. Continuing...
by Talita Sheedy | May 29, 2018 | 2016, Holistic Pregnancy, Natural health, Pre-natal yoga, Pregnancy, Wellness, Yoga
Weekly Baby News Foetus: 2.5cm – grape size this week (the closest we will get to wine for a long time) Bub’s tail has completely gone and webbing of fingers and toes disappears and teeny tiny nails begin to form (how cute are baby’s nails). Little teeth are beginning...
by Talita Sheedy | May 29, 2018 | 2016, Holistic Pregnancy, Natural health, Pregnancy, Wellness
Weekly Baby News Foetus: 3.5cm, weighing less than 4 grams – size of a plump cherry tomato This week the primitive reflex response begins, this response plus the increased responsiveness of the nervous system can have the little bub moving depending what mum is up to....
by Talita Sheedy | May 29, 2018 | 2016, Holistic Pregnancy, Natural health, Pregnancy, Wellness
Weekly Baby News Foetus: 4.3cm – size of a plum Almost all the organs are developed and are starting to function. Now the head is about half the size of the whole foetus. Total weight is approximately 10gms. Excitingly smell and hearing develops with the finishing...
by Talita Sheedy | May 29, 2018 | 2016, Holistic Pregnancy, Natural health, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Wellness
Weekly Baby News Foetus size: 7.6cm CRL – size of a lime This week the bones are hardening, and all major organs are formed. Spiral arterial flow is busy, (the flow between uterus and placenta) and your baby’s reflexes are developing fast this week. Toes, fingers will...